Sale on claddagh cross pendants

silver claddagh cross pendant

Sterling silver Claddagh cross pendants have arrived in time for St. Patrick’s Day!

The claddagh symbol dates back to the 17th century when a man was enslaved by a Turkish Gold Smith in the town of Claddagh. He created the symbol while he waited to be released and reunited with his true love. He fashioned a ring featuring a heart held by two hands with a crown above it. The hands symbolized friendship, the heart for his love, and the crown for his loyalty to her. Upon release, he was reunited with his love and learned she had been loyal as well and waited for him. He gave her the ring and they were married.

Placing the Claddagh on a cross symbolizes how the love, friendship, and loyalty are based on the everlasting love of Christ. These symbols combined represent a rich Irish heritage that continues to be passed through generations.

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One Response to “Sale on claddagh cross pendants”

  1. Johne762 says:

    Great, thanks for sharing this article. Really Cool.